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Features :  CONTERA is a naturally extracted plant derivative containing medicinal and nutritional value for complete crop protection. It is 100% naturally derived botanical extract that enhances the immunization in plants. Contera resolves the problem of Insects, Shoot borer, Root borer, Leaf miner and Whori maggot. Contera is basically meant to control such harmful and most damaging pest which are acute in the crops like Sugarcane, Rice and Corn even over past several years. It also protects crops like Potato, Vegetables and Wheat from the pest attack. It is compatible with fertilizers and pesticides. it is non toxic and safe to use.

Effect:  : It protects the crops from heavy infections. It helps to maintain the sucrose contents in sugarcane. It helps to increase yield, improves greenery in crop field and makes crop healthy and blooming

Application: Apply 4 KG per Acre.

Category: Insecticides
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